Confidentiality policy

YouWarn app

Updated on 14/10/2023
These General Terms and Conditions apply subject to the specific provisions contained in the Conditions.
General Terms of Use and Services of the “YouWarn” Application.

1. Definitions

-” Subscription ” refers to the fixed-term contract at a fee that you can subscribe to in order to benefit from additional functionalities related to the Service during the period specified by the subscription offer concerned.
-” Alert ” refers to the content intended to inform Members of the existence of a significant event, an event likely to arouse interest, cultural or economic opportunity, incident or danger, according to the areas of interest and the geographical area that they have previously indicated. The Alert takes the form of a piece of writing, a photograph or a video visible to all other Members, unless otherwise stated.
-” Application ” refers to the YOUWARN mobile application whose download is available on Google Play Store and AppStore.
-” Account ” refers to the personal space of Members allowing them to identify themselves, manage their Profile, to benefit from the Service and, in the event of a Subscription, to benefit from additional functionalities related to the Service.
-” Personal data ” refers to any information likely to identify, directly or indirectly, users who are natural persons.
- “Member” refers to any natural person over the age of fifteen (15) who is registered on the Application, or any legal person, through a representative duly authorized for this purpose.
-” Politics ” refers to this privacy policy.- “Profile” refers to the personal interface created by the Member and visible to other Members on the Application, including information about him that he will have provided via his Account.
-” Data controller “refers to the company YOUWARN, a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of 100 euros, whose head office is located at 6, rue d'Armaillé, 75017 PARIS and registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 953 336 278.
-” Service “refers to the service allowing Members to share, via the Application, real-time Alerts in the event of a significant event, an event likely to arouse interest, a cultural or economic opportunity, an incident or danger, in order to alert interested Members who are in the relevant geographical area.” Site ” refers to the Data Controller's website accessible via the url address

2. What is the Privacy Policy?

The Data Controller is likely to collect some of your data through the Application. The purpose of the Policy is to set out the conditions under which your data is collected and processed and to inform you of the rights you can exercise in relation to this data.

3. Is my data confidential?

The company YOUWARN, operator of the Application, undertakes, within the limits of this Policy, to maintain the strictest secrecy and not to disclose to a third party, directly or indirectly, neither the existence nor the characteristics of the information you provided, except for the treatments envisaged by the Policy.

As such, the Data Controller implements all technical and organizational measures in order to protect your data but cannot guarantee their security with any certainty. Their confidentiality will be partially or completely removed in the following cases: - they have entered the public domain prior to, or after, any disclosure by you or a third party; - by express, written and prior authorization on your part; - upon the injunction of a legal or regulatory provision or as part of a judicial, administrative or arbitration procedure. By using the Application, you consent and accept the use of your Personal Data by the Data Controller, in accordance with the Policy. Any changes to the Policy will be notified by reasonable means, which may include notifications on the Application or by email. By using the Application, you accept the new version of the Policy.

4. What data is collected and processed?

In the execution of the Service, the Data Controller is required to process information about you, some of which is likely to identify you (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”). The processing of this Personal Data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter referred to as “RGPD”) and with French law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (“Data Protection Act”). All Personal Data is collected and processed by the Data Controller pursuant to the consent you have given. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not compromise the legality of the processing based on the consent carried out before this withdrawal. As part of the Application and the Service, various types of Personal Data may be collected. Registration and Subscription Data The data provided to the Data Controller as part of your registration on the Application are as follows:
- Your name and first name (s);
- Your nickname;
- Your age;
- Your gender;
- Your email address;
- Your phone number:
- Your spoken language (s);
- Your profession; - Your areas of interest;
- Your geographic location.
In the case of a Subscription, the Subscription payment data is processed directly through the Data Controller's payment intermediary.

4.1. Profile data

The data collected as part of the creation of a Profile is the data that you have voluntarily provided. You can decide to partially or completely fill out your Profile by entering one, several or all of the Data. By providing this data, you accept and agree that it may be visible on the Application by other Members. This data is as follows:
- A photograph of your choice;
- Your screen name.

4.2. Application usage data

In accordance with article 9 of the RGPD, Personal Data is provided voluntarily and you specifically agree, by a positive act of will when creating or modifying your Profile, that they be processed in accordance with article 5 hereof, to the exclusion of any processing carried out for the purpose of commercial or advertising prospecting.

The Data Controller automatically collects information relating to your use of the Application and the Service. They concern in particular the operating system used, connection data (date and time) and navigation data on the Application, interactions with the Application and other Members (date, time, number of alerts) and interaction with the advertisements present on the Application. Finally, the Data Controller may collect information about you from other Members, in particular through their reports.

Apart from those voluntarily provided in your Profile, the Data Controller does not process any of your sensitive data. Sensitive data should be understood as all information that reveals alleged racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, as well as the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purposes of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning a natural person, data concerning health, or data concerning the sexual life or sexual orientation of a natural person. Any other sensitive information or data that you provide (in particular via comments or free text) is your sole responsibility.

5. Why is my data collected and processed?

The processing of your Personal Data by the Data Controller makes it possible to operate, provide and improve the Service offered to you.
You expressly consent to the processing of your Personal Data for all of the following purposes:
- the creation and management of your Account and your Profile,
- the subscription to a Subscription and your authentication;
- the establishment of contact between the Data Controller and yourself;
- the moderation and processing of reports;
- the display of Alerts relevant to you;
- commercial prospecting and the proposal of relevant advertising on the Application or other partner sites (in particular via retargeting or “retargeting” advertising on social networks);
- the statistics and audience measurements of the Application;
- fraud prevention.

6. On what basis can my data be collected and processed?

The Processing of your Personal Data is based, in accordance with article 6 of the RGPD, on the following legal bases:
- The contract: most of your Personal Data is collected and processed by the Data Controller in order to allow you to properly perform the Service: the creation and management of the Account and the Profile, the making of contacts, the subscription to a Subscription, the posting of a Subscription, the posting of the Profile online, the posting of the Profile, the publication of comments; the moderation or the processing of reports.
- Legitimate interest: the Personal Data collected allows the Data Controller to improve the quality of the Application and the Service, to detect fraud and to prevent any breach of the security of the Application. - Your consent: you consent, by accepting these terms and conditions, to the processing of your Personal Data in accordance with the Policy, in particular for advertising purposes. Your consent can be withdrawn at any time. The withdrawal of your consent does not compromise the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to this withdrawal.

7. Who receives my data?

The Personal Data collected is mainly intended for processing by the Data Controller as well as for the following recipients.

7.1. The other members

All Members have access to Personal Data that you have voluntarily disclosed via your Profile, Alerts and comments.

7.2. The accommodation provider

The Personal Data collected is hosted on the servers of Supabase, Inc., a company governed by the laws of the State of Delaware (UNITED STATES), whose head office is located at 970, Toa Payoh North #07 -04 -04, SINGAPORE 318992, acting as a subcontractor of the Data Controller.

The details of the processing of this Data by the host are available at the following link:
Data is processed via software and applications hosted on secure servers in Germany under conditions that comply with the regulations in force on the territory of the European Union, in particular the RGPD.

7.3. Advertising and analysis providers

The Personal Data collected automatically is accessible to Google Analytics for analysis and statistical purposes. The Data Controller is also likely to share your Personal Data with advertising providers such as Facebook and Google in order to present you with targeted advertising on the Application as well as on third party sites.The details of the processing of your Personal Data by the service providers are available at the following links:
You have the possibility to manage the methods of communication of your Personal Data via Cookies under the conditions of this Policy.

7.4. The payment provider

Your credit card payment data is processed directly by the payment intermediary of the Stripe Service Provider, whose processing details are available at the following link:

7.5. The other recipients

Where appropriate, the Data Controller may communicate the Personal Data collected to comply with legal, regulatory, judicial or administrative obligations or in the event of a merger, sale, acquisition, transfer, restructuring, dissolution, dissolution, changes in ownership or control of the Data Controller. The Data Controller is also likely to share your Personal Data to assert his rights, in particular in the event of any judicial or administrative proceedings to which he is a party.

8. How long is my data kept?

Your Personal Data is kept in the active database of the Data Controller for the time necessary to meet the purposes for which they were collected, i.e. for the entire period of validity of your Account (i.e. before any termination) without the retention period exceeding one (1) year from your last interaction with the Application (for example, your last connection, the last Alert published, the last comment posted, the last update of the Profile data, etc.).

The Data Controller, who will make his best efforts to delete all of your Personal Data, cannot however guarantee that this deletion will take place within this period due to technical limitations.

The Data Controller may archive some of your Personal Data for longer if necessary in order to assert its rights before any jurisdiction and to comply with legal, regulatory, judicial or administrative obligations.

9. Can I still exercise my rights regarding this data?

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the RGPD, you have the right to:
- to access, rectify, update and delete information concerning you;
- to oppose the processing of your Personal Data for legitimate reasons, without reasons and without charge, and to oppose the use of your Personal Data for commercial prospecting purposes;
- to question the data controller concerning you in order to confirm whether or not your Personal Data is being processed and, when they are, and to confirm access to this Data and to the information relating to it (in particular, purposes of the processing, categories of Personal Data, recipients, etc.);
- to define the guidelines relating to the fate of your Personal Data after your death;
- the portability of your Personal Data, namely, the possibility of recovering part of your Personal Data in a machine-readable format, from one automated system to another, without the Data Controller being able to prevent it;
- information by notification in the event of a security breach and unlawful access to its information;
- to withdraw your consent at any time to the processing of your Personal Data;
- to file a complaint with a supervisory authority in the event of a violation by the Data Controller of these rights.
You can exercise these rights described below by contacting the Data Controller:
- by email to the email address: ; or
- by post to the postal address: YOUWARN, 6, rue d'Armaillé, 75017 PARIS (by attaching a copy of an identity document to the request).

10. What happens with cookies?


10.1. Definition

10.2. Cookies placed on the application

The cookies placed on the Application can be used for various purposes. Some of these uses are strictly necessary for the use of the Service and are exempt from consent. Others, which do not meet this purpose, require your consent before reading or writing, for example those meeting an advertising purpose, in particular:
- Cookies linked to advertising and analysis providers allow the analysis of your use of the Application, the compilation of Application activity reports, the provision of other services relating to the activity of the Application and targeted commercial advertisements;
- “Social media” cookies allow the sharing of Application content on social networks and are used for advertising purposes.

10.3. Block or delete cookies

You can decide, at any time, to accept or refuse all or some of the cookies.
However, the refusal of all or part of the cookies could prevent you from accessing certain functionalities of the Application.
If necessary, the Data Controller cannot be held responsible for the consequences related to the degraded functioning of the Application resulting from the impossibility for him to save or consult the cookies necessary for its operation. You can:
- accept cookies: all cookies are accepted (by default);
- accept only the cookies that are strictly necessary for the visited Application: third party cookies, from a domain outside the one visited, are refused;
never accept cookies: all cookies are refused. To manage your cookies, you must refer to the relevant sections of your Internet browser, in particular:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Microsoft Edge
- Apple Safari
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Opera
“Do not track”
You can set your browser to send a code telling websites that you do not want to be tracked (“Do not track” option), including:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer = ie-11
- Microsoft Edge
- Apple Safari
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
https: // option
- Opera

Audience measurement cookies and analytical cookies
Analytical cookies, such as those placed on the Application, make it possible to obtain anonymous traffic statistics in order to optimize the Application and to detect possible malfunctions.
If you do not want the Application to save cookies in your browser for audience measurement purposes, you can click on the following links to find additional information:
- Google Analytics cookies
- Internet cookies
- Amplitude cookies
- Charbeat cookies
- Weborama cookie

“Social media” cookies
The Application may include social network functionalities. These features may generate cookies to allow them to function and to collect the IP address and navigation that you use. These features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing them, including:
- To manage Data on Facebook and Instagram
- To manage Data on Google
- To manage Data on Twitter
Deactivating these cookies prevents any interaction with social networks.

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