Votre Partenaire de Confiance pour la Sécurité Communautaire

Agissez pour la Sécurité de Votre Quartier avec YouWarn

Dans un monde où rester en sécurité est primordial, YouWarn se présente comme un allié indispensable. Res tez informé en temps réel des dangers potentiels, des situations d'urgence et des incidents de sécurité. Chaque membre de YouWarn joue un rôle crucial dans la création d'un environnement plus sûr pour tous.

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alertes securitie


Vital information:

Be alerted to incidents such as fires or gas leaks.

Community Involvement:

Play an active role in prevention by sharing important information.


Immediate Alerts:

Receive notifications about crime risks in your area.

Prevention and Action:

Share vital information and get tips on how to make your neighborhood safer.


Anticipate risks:

Receive real-time alerts on natural hazards such as floods or storms.

Solidarity and safety:

Share tips and support in the event of a disaster.


Rapid Assistance:

Early warning can make all the difference in emergency situations.

A united community

Be part of the rescue and support chain in case of need.


Get ready:

Get information on a variety of situations so you're always prepared.

Share responsibly:

Your contribution strengthens YouWarn's efficiency and reliability.

It's up to you

YouWarn transforms every citizen into a key player in prevention, enabling everyone to report and learn about potential dangers, safety incidents and medical emergencies in real time.