Our privacy policy

Policy of Confidentiality

Updated on 14/10/2023


YouWarn is a community application designed to inform users about local events or incidents. Protecting your privacy and data is very important to us. We are committed to offering the highest standards of service. Thus, we value each of our existing or potential users and aim to maintain appropriate protection of your personal data (“Data”). The processing of this Data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as “RGPD”) and with French law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 (“Data Protection Act”).


The company YOUWARN, publisher of the site www.youwarn.com (hereinafter the “Site”), is the Data Controller (hereinafter the “Data Controller”) .By using the Site, you consent and accept the use of your Data by the Data Controller, in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


When you browse our Site, the Data Controller is required to process your information, some of which is likely to identify you. This may include the following Data:
• Those that you have communicated to us directly: your name and surname; title; title; gender identity; postal address; email address; telephone number; date of birth; username and encrypted password allowing identification on the Site;
• Those collected automatically (cookies): IP address and identifiers of the computer equipment; operating system used by the terminal; type and version of the browser software used; date and time of connection to the Site;
• Those collected during your browsing on the Site: the history of your browsing (for example the date, time of connection and/or navigation, the pages visited), the type of terminal and browser, your location, the browser language, the browser language, the browser language, the access provider, the IP address.


Your Data is used for several reasons and is in particular processed in order to provide and improve the service we offer you. Each processing of your Data is legally based either on your consent, or on a contract concluded with you, or on a legal obligation and/or our overriding legitimate interest depending on the purpose of the treatment.
A contract, your subscription to the service:
• Ensure the proper execution of the service
• Manage customer relationships and any complaints you may have
• Manage requests related to the exercise of your Data rights.

Your consent:
• Receive personalized offers via any electronic communication service
• Enjoy a personalized browsing experience based on your history and your browsing on the Site
• Take advantage of personalized advertising offers on third party media

Our legitimate interest:
• Access and use the Site
• Analyze and improve the quality and performance of the service
• Track the use of the Site and improve your experience
• Preserving our rights
• Fight against fraud
• Develop statistics and segmentations, studies and analyses in order to better understand our users and improve our service according to their needs and preferences

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not compromise the legality of the processing based on the consent carried out before this withdrawal.

4. Who are the recipients of your Data?

• The Data is mainly intended for the Data Controller, its employees for the execution of the purposes mentioned herein, as well as to the following subcontractor, the hosting provider of the Site: Webflow Inc., a company governed by the laws of the State of Delaware (UNITED STATES), whose head office is located at 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94103, UNITED STATES.
Details of the processing of this Data by the provider are available at the following link: https://webflow.com/legal/eu-privacy-policy.
The hosting provider is responsible for the storage and security of the Data we collect, thus ensuring the continuity and quality of our service.
The Data Controller undertakes not to communicate, assign or transfer the Data to other third parties without your express agreement, with the exception of a merger, acquisition or any other operation resulting in a universal transmission of the Data Controller's assets.
However, they may be communicated to comply with legal, regulatory, judicial or administrative obligations.

5. How long do we keep your Data for?

The Data is kept for the time necessary to meet the above purposes, without the retention period exceeding one (1) year from the last interaction with the Site. The Data Controller takes reasonable measures to ensure their confidentiality. Once your Data has been deleted from our database, some of your Data may be kept in the form of an archive with restricted and strictly limited access in order to meet our legal, accounting and fiscal obligations, but also to manage your possible claims and warranty requests within the limits of the applicable limitation periods.Once your Data is no longer necessary for the purposes or for archiving purposes to meet our legal obligations or for the purposes of the applicable prescription., your Data will be anonymized irreversibly. At any time, you can ask us to delete all or part of your Data, to oppose their processing or to request its limitation, in accordance with this by contacting the Data Controller: - by email to the electronic address: contact@youwarn.com; or- by mail to the postal address: YOUWARN, 6, rue d'Armaillé, 75017 PARIS (by imperatively attaching upon request a copy of an identity document for the sole purpose of identity verification; the copy will be deleted immediately after verification). The Data Controller receiving such a request has an average period of thirty (30) days to provide a response. In the event of a request to delete your Data, it will be deleted from our database and kept in the form of an archive as indicated above.

6. What rights do you have with respect to your Data?

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the RGPD, you benefit from and can exercise the following rights with us:
• Right of access: you have the right to know what Data we hold about you;
• Right to rectification: you can request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete information concerning you. It prevents us from using or disseminating false information about you;
• Right to the limitation of processing: you can request the limitation of processing in order to temporarily freeze the use of some of your data;
• Right to erasure: you have the right to ask us to delete your Data (subject to the terms set out herein);
• Right to object: you can object to our use of some of your Data at any time. You must put forward reasons relating to your particular situation, except in the case of commercial prospecting, which you can object without reason (for example, this concerns the receipt of advertising emails on your email address);
• Right to portability: you have the possibility to recover part of your Data in a machine-readable format. You may freely store this Portable Data elsewhere or easily transmit it from one system to another for reuse for other purposes.
• Right to information: you have the right to be informed about the use of your Data.
You can exercise your rights by contacting the Data Controller:
- By email to the email address: contact@youwarn.com; or
- By post to the postal address: YOUWARN, 6, rue d'Armaillé, 75017 PARIS (by attaching to the request a copy of an identity document for the sole purpose of identity verification; the copy will be deleted immediately after verification).
The Data Controller contacted on the basis of the exercise of one of these rights has a period of thirty (30) days to provide a response.

7. How is Data secured?

The Data Controller undertakes to take all technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection and security of the Data, in particular against any loss, alteration, dissemination or illegal use. The Data Controller's staff is regularly trained and made aware of best security practices in order to prevent any security incident.
It also ensures that the third parties it may use (technical service providers, suppliers) respect this Data protection requirement by implementing appropriate measures, in accordance with applicable legislation.
The technical and organizational measures put in place may include the use of secure registration forms, the encryption of certain Data (such as Bank Data), restricted access to Personal Data and the establishment of protocols allowing a rapid response by the Data Controller in the event of a security incident and informing users about some of their Data that could be affected by this incident.
Finally, we invite you to be very careful in communicating your Data on the Site.
Some messages or solicitations received may come from malicious persons seeking to obtain personal information about you for fraudulent use (phishing practice). If you receive a message that appears to be a phishing attempt, you are asked not to respond to it and not to open any attachments, images, or links in the message. You can report it on www.signal-spam.fr.

8. Data Transfer

The Site is hosted by Webflow Inc. on physical servers in the United States. The Data is processed by the Data Controller via various software and applications hosted on secure servers in the United States under conditions in accordance with the regulations in force on the territory of the European Union.
We are committed to taking the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the adequate level of security of your Data as if they had remained within the European Union. Any data transfer is carried out in accordance with the regulations applicable within the European Union, in particular the RGPD.
In fact, we require Data recipients, in particular the hosting provider, to implement the measures required to ensure the same level of protection as that required by European regulations on personal data, for example by using the European Commission's standard contractual clauses, or binding corporate rules (BCR).


If this Privacy Policy is amended, the date the Policy was updated will be updated to reflect the date the changes were made.
Any changes to the Policy will be notified by reasonable means, which may include notifications on the Application or by email. By using the Application, you accept the new version of the Policy.
In the event of a dispute, between you and the Data Controller, the Policy to be taken into account will be the one in force at the time of the facts giving rise to the dispute.


In general, if you have questions or comments about this Policy or about the use of your Data by the Data Controller, you can contact us:
- By email to the email address: contact@youwarn.com; or
- By post to the postal address: YOUWARN, 6, rue d'Armaillé, 75017 PARIS.
Finally, we inform you that in the event of a complaint relating to the protection of your Data, and after having contacted the Data Controller at first, you can also contact the French supervisory authority, the National Commission of
Information Technology and Freedoms, whose site is accessible at the following address: https://www.cnil.fr/.

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