General conditions Of Use

Updated on 14/10/2023
These General Terms and Conditions apply subject to the specific provisions contained in the Conditions.
General Terms of Use and Services of the “YouWarn” Application.


Site: the website hosted at the url address www.youwarn.com.User: any Internet user accessing one or more pages of the Site, or connecting to the Site.Editor: YOUWARN, a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of 100 euros, whose head office is located at 6, rue d'Armaillé, 75017 PARIS, 75017 PARIS, registered with the R.C.S. of PARIS under the number 953 278 336 and whose intra-community VAT number is FR 27 953 336 278.
E-Mail: contact@youwarn.com.


The General Terms of Use set out all the rules applicable to any consultation of the Site. It is expressly agreed that the mere fact of accessing or consulting one of the pages of the Site constitutes pure and simple and unreserved acceptance of all of these General Conditions of Use. Users who do not wish to accept them must immediately stop using the Site. It is also expressly agreed that these General Terms of Use may be modified by the Publisher, at any time and without prior information to the User, and that these modifications will come into force as soon as they are posted online. Therefore, the User is invited to consult this page regularly.


The Site is accessible at any time, subject to cases of force majeure (for example any war, riot, natural disaster, pandemic, etc.) and regular maintenance operations. The user expressly undertakes, on the one hand, to access the Site using recent equipment, which does not contain viruses and with an up-to-date last-generation browser and, on the other hand, to use a secure Internet connection.


The use of the Service described by the Site requires the download of the “YouWarn” Application available exclusively on the AppStore and the Google Play Store.


The Site (in particular, general structure, texts, images, animated or not, images, animated or not, videos, sounds, and, in general, any component of the site) is the exclusive property of the Publisher and is protected by copyright (articles L. 111-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code) and intellectual property (rights to databases, trademarks, designs and models, etc.). It is forbidden, privately or publicly, to reproduce, copy, imitate, sell, resell or exploit, whether for commercial purposes or purely free of charge, all or part of the Site (including its database) or its results without the express, prior and written agreement of the Publisher. Any offender may have their access to the Site suspended or terminated. He may also be opposed to articles L. 335-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code and may be subject to legal proceedings. These general conditions only grant the User a right to private and personal use of the contents of the Site. It is therefore not authorized to reproduce the elements that appear there, by any means and on any medium whatsoever, nor to distribute or exploit them. The databases used on the Site are protected by copyright as well as by the provisions of law No. 98-536 of July 1, 1998 on the legal protection of databases. The reuse and distribution of information contained in these databases is strictly prohibited. In general, the unauthorized copying of information published on the Site for any use other than strictly personal is prohibited (articles L.122-4, L.122-5 of the intellectual property code). Any offender is therefore exposed to the sanctions provided for by articles L.335-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.


The creation of hypertext links to the Site is expressly prohibited, subject to the prior written authorization of the Publisher, which may be revoked at any time without cause. Any hypertext link that is present on the Site is included only for the convenience of the User. The Publisher cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the content found on an external site, or for all the consequences that may result from consulting one of its links.


The Publisher makes every effort to provide up-to-date information on this Site, but cannot guarantee it. In particular, it provides the information as is, without guaranteeing its accuracy, timeliness or completeness. The Site may contain typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions that will be corrected by the Publisher as soon as possible once they have been identified.


The Publisher makes every effort to provide up-to-date information on this Site, but cannot guarantee it. In particular, it provides the information as is, without guaranteeing its accuracy, timeliness or completeness. The Site may contain typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions that will be corrected by the Publisher as soon as possible once they have been identified.

9. What rights do you have with respect to your Data?

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the RGPD, you have and can exercise the following rights with us: • Right of access: you have the right to know the Data that we hold about you; • Right of rectification: you can request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete information concerning you. It prevents us from using or disseminating false information about you; • Right to limit processing: you can request the limitation of processing in order to temporarily freeze the use of some of your data; • Right to erasure: you have the right to ask us to delete your Data (subject to the procedures set out herein); • Right to object: you can object at any time to us using some of your Data. You must put forward reasons relating to your particular situation, except in the case of commercial prospecting, which you can oppose without reason (for example, this concerns the receipt of advertising emails on your email address); • Right to portability: you have the possibility of recovering part of your Data in a machine-readable format. You can freely store this Portable Data elsewhere or easily transmit them from one system to another, for reuse for other purposes.• Right to information: you have the right to be informed about the use of your Data.You can exercise your rights by contacting the Data Controller: - By email to the electronic address: contact@youwarn.com; or- By mail to the postal address: YOUWARN, 6, rue d'Armaillé, 75017 PARIS (by attaching to the request a copy of an identity document for the exclusive purpose of identity verification; the copy will be deleted immediately after verification) .The Data Controller contacted on the basis of the exercise of one of these rights has a period of thirty (30) days to provide a response.

10. How is Data secured?

The Data Controller undertakes to take all technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection and security of the Data, in particular against any loss, alteration, dissemination or illegal use. The Data Controller's staff is regularly trained and made aware of best security practices in order to prevent any security incident. It also ensures that the third parties it may use (technical service providers, suppliers) respect this Data protection requirement by implementing appropriate measures, in accordance with applicable legislation. The technical and organizational measures put in place may include the use of secure registration forms, the encryption of certain Data (such as Bank Data), restricted access to Personal Data and the establishment of protocols allowing a rapid response by the Data Controller in the event of a security incident and informing users about some of their Data that could be affected by this incident.Finally, we invite you to be very careful in communicating your Data on the Site. Some messages or solicitations received may come from malicious persons seeking to obtain personal information about you for fraudulent use (phishing practice). If you receive a message that appears to be a phishing attempt, you are asked not to respond to it and not to open any attachments, images, or links in the message. You can report it on www.signal-spam.fr.

11. Data Transfer

The Publisher collects personal data concerning the User (s). This collection and processing carried out by the Publisher to allow access to the Site in compliance with applicable regulations and the Privacy Policy of the “YouWarn” Site.


It is expressly agreed that the Publisher, its shareholders, its president, its directors, employees or service providers, may not be held responsible or blamed, directly or indirectly, individually or collectively, for damages — regardless of their origins or consequences — likely to result, directly or indirectly (data loss, financial loss, loss of profit, loss of chance), of the information, data and figurative elements disseminated on the Site, of the visit of the Site, of the access or of the impossibility of access to the Site, of the use of the Site, including in the event of the appearance of a bug, an incompatibility and/or any technical defect or any problem in particular and not limited to: Internet network congestion, a failure of Internet access providers, a failure of Internet access providers, any malicious intervention, in particular by third parties in the event of hacking or the dissemination of a computer virus, any software or hardware malfunctions, a human error. Each User declares, acknowledges and guarantees that he will only use the Site in strict compliance with the regulations applicable to its activities and that it will not incorporate into the Site any element that violates the laws and regulations in force, and in particular, that it owns all the intellectual property rights relating to the integrated elements and/or has all the necessary authorizations for their dissemination under its responsibility in this context.

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